
du 24 septembre au 13 octobre 2024 – Tarsouli Mansion - Koroni - Grèce

“A Drop of Water in the Ocean...”

Etienne Krähenbühl collected all the daily plastic food wasteof his family in Switzerland, in the year between September2017 and September 2018. With this “harvest”, the artistprinted some 730 works, i.e. two prints a day. He followed astrict protocol, matching colors with daily exteriortemperatures, resulting in a colourful fresco. He therebycreated a visible, poetic, universal message on ecology

and climate.

This work, apart from its aesthetics, aims at questioningissues linked to water and plastic, as well as to the wastegenerated by plastic. From an ecological point of view, it isimperative and urgent to highlight this pollution, to find othersolutions.

With your help, your contribution, this sculpture will showhow each gesture – A drop of water in the ocean - helps andthat we, all together (citizens, consumers, the industry,economists and politicians) can act, so that our worldimproves and remains not only viable for humanity but isthere for all beings to thrive.

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Tarsouli Mansion - Koroni - Grèce